
The Center for Spiritual Renewal exists for the purpose of coming alongside those we value: our Foursquare ministers and their families. Its mission is to support, strengthen and serve in a way that is tailored to the individual’s needs and circumstances, with an emphasis on “being” rather than “doing.” This facility provides a peaceful setting with a welcoming atmosphere of grace, order, restfulness, healing and wholeness. Its mission is that of renewal in every dimension: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and relational: a ministry of wellness and wholeness to the whole person. Above all, its goal is to honor the person and lordship of Jesus Christ, and to create an atmosphere in which the transforming work of the Holy Spirit takes priority.

  • Study breaks: Opportunities to study plan the year’s preaching schedule or write.
  • Self-directed sabbaticals: Opportunities to rest and be refreshed.
  • Counseling:

Preventive Care

Individual or small group settings to help avoid burnout, marriage & family problems, & other difficulties to which ministers are susceptible.

Intervention Care

Individual care for those who are facing burnout; have experienced an overwhelming amount of stress, loss, or grief causing relational struggles; have doubt of calling; are in other life situations that would necessitate intervention.

Crisis Care

Individual care for those who are experiencing crisis in any area of life, necessitating immediate attention and care. Crisis situations will be assessed and may be referred.